Entering new markets needs new ideas. Winning business demands a process that engages prospects, converts opportunity into revenue. and delights clients to ensure retention and win referrals. We build and deliver investment propositions across geographies with every initiative exceeding revenue expectations.


Although trains were invented before speedier, more technologically advanced jet aircraft, today train travel looks set to overtake air travel in terms of its appeal. One reason for this is circumstantial: trains usually require neither check-in nor security, reducing journey times (especially for shorter distances), and no schlepping to out-of-town airports on congested roads. Railway transportation reduces the cost of transporting passengers, materials and road maintenance costs. 

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MILITARY AUVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)

The military drones market is projected to grow from USD 12.1 billion in 2018 to USD 26.8 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 12.00% from 2018 to 2025. Rise in the procurement of UAVs by defense forces, worldwide is one of the most significant factors contributing to the growth of the military drones market. The increasing use of UAVs in various military applications such as monitoring, surveying and mapping, and combat operations is also contributing to the growth of the military drones market across the globe.

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The growth of the global electric bus market is attributed to the rising fuel prices and increased environmental concerns. Environmental concerns have resulted in a transformation of the transportation industry from the fossil fuel powered-engines to electric drivetrains. Though electric vehicles were thought of as an impractical replacement for combustion engines, the rate at which the electric vehicle market is growing shows that the transformation is happening at a rate far faster than expected. The transformation has not just happened in the smaller passenger vehicle segment but can also be seen in the large commercial vehicles, especially buses. Many governments across the world have started changes in the public transportation system by replacing the heavy-duty diesel and gasoline-run buses with zero-emission electric buses. This move by the governments has helped the market to grow at a CAGR of nearly 25% and the market is expected to touch a value of USD 90 billion by the end of the year 2023.


The Electric-Vehicle & Lithium-ion battery businesses hold the promise of large potential profit pools for both incumbent & new players. While the Li-ion battery will continue to progress, it will be solid-state and lithium-silicon technologies that will be the real EVB game changer.

Lithium-silicon and solid-state are the future EVB technologies that will improve performance, hold more energy, and last longer at a lower cost. The addition of silicon alone over the next 7 years will grow the EV installed base from 8 million in 2019 to 40 million in 2025.

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Saudi Arabia is one of the leading automotive markets in the Middle East. Demand for tyres in the country, which has been met through imports, has been increasing at a rapid pace on account of growing vehicle sales over the last five years. Shortening tyre replacement period coupled with increasing automobile sales is expected to drive the country’s tyre industry through 2020. Increase in infrastructure development activities, favorable government policies and surging foreign investments in automotive sector are anticipated to fuel the demand for vehicles, and thereby tyres, in Saudi Arabia in the coming years. One of the major trends that has been gaining increasing market traction over the last decade has been growing sales of tyres in the unorganized tyre market.

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The business potential of establishing a gold and precious metals refinery in Saudi Arabia is significant. With abundant local gold deposits, proximity to mining sites, and the Saudi government’s focus on economic diversification, such a refinery can contribute to job creation, cost efficiency, and export opportunities. By ensuring high-quality refined gold, it can attract investors and strengthen the country’s position in the global precious metals market.

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