The most important feature of any smooth-running supply chain is visibility; meaning full visibility with the capability to control the supply chain from your vantage point. A robust control tower solution uses extensive data in multiple ways, allowing companies to see the full supply chain picture and equipping them with the means to act immediately upon these data points.

Suppliers, brokers, carriers, and drivers are among the third parties that have a hand in your fast-moving supply chain, and they need to collaborate with the manufacturer, suppliers, DCs, retailers, and customers as products are being produced, packed, and shipped across borders.

However, in-transit visibility is complicated by today's global trading systems, which have different infrastructures, data definitions, and message formats. It's difficult to receive and interpret status updates from many carriers, brokers, and freight forwarders to gain a comprehensive picture and assess performance and bottlenecks. Without this big picture, it becomes nearly impossible to implement cost-saving strategies, such as just-in-time inventory replenishment. When delivery windows are tight, even minor missteps and miscalculations can have major cost and service level consequences.

Supply Chain Visibility solution provides the ability to:

  • Connect importers and exporters with their overseas suppliers, logistics providers, brokers, and carriers.
  • Build a global trading network with pre-established connectivity to thousands of trading partners.
  • Enable supply chain partners to share information, distribute reports, and receive alerts on milestones that are critical to the timely delivery of goods using the network’s secure data communication services.
  • Leverage an API-based integration layer to third-party providers that gather data from carriers using advanced technology to achieve greater carrier connectivity and next-generation data standardization. This level of modern connectivity includes the use of data from IoT devices to replace outdated mechanisms like EDI and/or SMC3 rate bureaus, FTP, spreadsheets, website scraping, and manual processes (phone, email, fax)